to sit
in sanctuary
at the feet of
Jakin and Boas
one must first
master the parallels
of life....
justice and mercy
liberty and law
the father,
which ever cleaves
the darkness of chaos
the mother,
who gathers, cherishes,
and feeds seeming bitter food
to hungry hearts
to obey or not
that is THE question
the ONLY question
and it is yours
alone to answer
be one who has
an abiding respect
for their own beliefs
but do not
follow them blindly
to ruin
in the process
you may have to decide
to either give up
that which you fear to lose
so it no longer holds
any power over you,
or consider
what you will still have
if your fears come to pass
in the fields
of manifestation
if you decide to sit,
don the triple crown
and with Boas' hand
bless the world
to effect it
14 years ago
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