my own view seems to tilt at an ott angle
whereas most of the crowd look for,
no long and call for,
the status
the quo
i've never followed that ribbon
oh, i may peered after it a time or two
just to see what the hulla-balloo was all about
hope, i guess that's what you call it
oh yea
most people are full of it
had me a life coach once
"you deserve happiness" she wailed
"reach for it with both hands,
grasp, claw, dig after it!"
like any other fool i tried
why should they get it all?
well you know what?
never fails
the times i open myself up to let that weasel hope in
are the times i get ripped a new one
fuckin hope
why don't you go fuck yourself
you fucking #*&!@
anyways....sorry for the outburst
we were talking tilts?
14 years ago
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