i think i had a dream last night
or maybe it was yesterwhen
it's hard to tell particulars
in dreamtime
of a circling, ever coiling
hidden ardor all encrouching
furtive darkness, luscious gnarling
that blendt itself to shade
it crept closer, ever closer
with incremental gain
whilst i was looking else
and obscured
and i felt it....hmm, well let's say
i felt an unsubdued pollute
for it takes a special lense
to view a pestilated taint
but this landscape it was spotty
know those spots now don't you well
that rub the other way
when walking through the trance
these spots, they traveled
with me
a longside me
counter to me....
ever onward, down and forward and between
till my armor lulled
the limes unmanned
a thought distracts
i glance awry
and straight into my heart
it finds it's course
it took the wright
the devil's twirl
it fled the canopy's unfurl
oh, straight to
my echoed heart it clasped
and once it met
all fear was gone
twas like a longing
gone to ground
one i never even knew
i couldn't miss
and now it nurtures
guards and strokes
there for me everwhen and cloaked
my nobbin where were you about
before you came?
14 years ago
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