July 14, 2007

I think

the ego screams?
for what?
recognition, release?
or a deeper taint?

it is afraid?
of what?
light, experience?
an escape from the vision?

one would hope the veneer of civilization
is thick enough to let the beast within
see into the hearts of those less worthy
without coming away sharpened and fueled
by the sun's contemplative rays
which dance across the mind's blind eye,
the one that hunkers down between
sanity and ferality

contamination cannot be avoided
I am sorry to agree with you on this point,
those parasitic dreams have indeed leaked
into your personal qualia

but please don't ignore the glances
swim in them
the quarks are arranged ego-wise
and you have simply disappeared
into your of own voluntary transparency

after all,
you were only following your tuathic habit
of leaving your sacrifices at the crossroad altar
no harm done……

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