November 13, 2007

Plain vs. Serrated: The Conventional View

you think other people choose the current situation, the one we all have to live in day in and day out, on their deathbeds?

how they feel at the moment of death determines how the rest of us live out our meager existences?

you think our intents are snatched at the moment of release?

used without our consent or even knowledge?

the juggernaut released and harnessed....mankind's contribution to the struggle
tween left and right
on and off
dark and light

I think i can make do with only the 3 dimensions....yes
the first, uninhibited spree
the second, guilty sobriety
the third....

but why can't we live in the third?
i want the choice of a recycled balance
to stand tip-toed on the knife's edge
that saps the strength of our dying breathes
with the resultant wavefront creating the first and second
and a fourth if wedged properly

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