February 16, 2010

a forgiving pulse

hands smooth
over ellipses roughened
by fingers snapping
on discomfit
the crash and plex
of a cymballed mold
leaving gaps of sound
and emotion
and skipping over the
dankened floor of vagary

a glide
then thrust
this way...no that
i will lead the way to allowance
do not be a'feared of the action
is no cause for censure

ding ding there we go
giving too many strings
to those who yank
puppets lurid cross the stage of idolatry
but why? why would i respond
in vain?

i am strong
even salvageable to some
i can say no....
oh yes i will
and feint and swoon
in unison with the wobble
of your orb in rebound held
to the dreams of a forgiving

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