February 16, 2010


Who was it
that first placed your heart in that cleft?
that allowed you to hide your fractured effigy?
you deny your nature, yet how can they deny their haunt?
can ’She’....are you....bewhere?

volumes and power abound
a dimension expanded beyond comfort
spoken in whispers to those who can see
yes....they see through to the truth of motion
that truth that states:

’Action acknowledged by censure IS the lesser for the blame’

stand firm in your concession, indulge in a righteous surrender
give in to this abandon, now....hold....hold
for Phenix have been known to rise
from the cold-hearthed and silent flames of doubt

grasp at that which weakens you
for no one else will serve
you must feed the Yawning Maw of Paradox
feed it till it’s full to bursting with bite
don’t let it wither....don’t let it suffocate
....the brilliance of you

one can always replace a memory
with a newly gouged and worn trail
so let your feet guide your heart for once
and know that the Irony is not fit company
for the phantasy’s yearning

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